商品コード2BB4TDY3IX商品名レゴ LEGO スーパー・ヒーローズ スパイダーマン?:スパイダーサイクル・チェイス 76004ブランドレゴ (LEGO)メーカー型番76004商品仕様本体サイズ :対象年齢 :6歳から12歳まで対象性別 :対象性別 :男の子対象年齢 :主な製造国 :チェコ共和国電池 :使用 電池種別 :LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group. (C)2013 The LEGO Group. (C)2013 MVLFFLLC. TM & (C)2013製造国 :安全基準 :CEVenom has taken control of Nick Fury's S.H.I.E.L.D. flying car and is making a super-fast getaway. Send Spider-Man to the rescue in his cool Spider-Cycle. Help Spider-Man catch this venomous villain and return the car to the good guys. Watch out for Venom's vicious symbiont web attack. Use the folding wheels on both vehicles for the perfect high-speed pursuit in the air or on land. Includes three minifigures: Spider-Man, Venom, and Nick Fury with weapon.※ 他ネットショップでも併売しているため、ご注文後に在庫切れとなる場合があります。
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Venom has taken control of Nick Fury's S.H.I.E.L.D. flying car and is making a super-fast getaway. Send Spider-Man to the rescue in his cool Spider-Cycle. Help Spider-Man catch this venomous villain and return the car to the good guys. Watch out for Venom's vicious symbiont web attack. Use the folding wheels on both vehicles for the perfect high-speed pursuit in the air or on land. Includes three minifigures: Spider-Man, Venom, and Nick Fury with weapon.